5 WCC Partners

At the conference earlier last week it was made very clear that the problems faced by women with disability, particularly those trapped in a humanitarian crisis, require a network of organisations. So here is a summary of five of those;

1.Africa Disability Alliance

A great organisation which is the father of the Network of African Women with Disabilities. They work on advocacy and awareness across the continent.

2. Association for the Physically Disabled in Kenya, APDK

Our local partners with whom we share the compound. They provide the major support for people with physicall disability in Kenya and here they have an adminstartive centre, a therapy centre and a small factory to manufacture wheelchairs of all sorts and sizes.

3. Women’s Refugee Commission

A New York based organisation which provides vital resources to allow us and our sister organisations to do their work. They are excellent at data anaylsis, training and co-ordination able in New York to see the moves of all the actors.

4. UN Women

Another major organisation which helps with resources and logistics. They have to be invited in but once so they can provide more resources, experience and connections than could be otherwise imagined.

5. International Rescue Committee

A hands on, boots on the ground organisation which works directly in refugee camps to provide safe spaces. Not only that they also work to distribute medical, food, and other resources directly from one-stop shops working towards making the camps safer for vulnerable women with disabilities.



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